
Modified Video Endoscopic Inguinal Lymphadenectomy: a Deep-First Approach.






To describe our modified technique of performing video endoscopic inguinal lymphadenectomy (VEIL) with the proposed benefits of a shallow learning curve and better ergonomics.We describe our modified VEIL technique: the deep first approach, in a squamous cell carcinoma penis patient with a pathological T3 disease and bilateral palpable, mobile inguinal lymph nodes post penectomy.The surface markings and the port incision sites for the procedure were conventional. However, in contrast to the standard superficial dissection plane development below the Scarpa’s fascia at the initial camera port site, our technique commenced with a deep dissection plane just above the fascia lata. The dissection limits were directly identified: the sartorius muscle laterally, the inguinal ligament superiorly, and the adductor longus muscle medially. The saphenous vein was identified early and close to the saphenofemoral junction, allowing undemanding dissection. The superficial flap dissection was done entirely under direct vision, with better ergonomics owing to a continuous counter-traction by the pressure of insufflated gas. Deep inguinal nodal dissection then concluded the procedure.The described technique is surmised to be easier to perform, given the lack of ambiguity in the correct initial dissection plane, direct visualization of surgical landmarks early in the procedure, and early identification of the saphenous vein close to the SFJ. It may improve the learning curve allowing for a wider acceptance of VEIL.Copyright © 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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