Miniscope-LFOV: A large-field-of-view, single-cell-resolution, miniature microscope for wired and wire-free imaging of neural dynamics in freely behaving animals.






Imaging large-population, single-cell fluorescent dynamics in freely behaving animals larger than mice remains a key endeavor of neuroscience. We present a large-field-of-view open-source miniature microscope (MiniLFOV) designed for large-scale (3.6 mm × 2.7 mm), cellular resolution neural imaging in freely behaving rats. It has an electrically adjustable working distance of up to 3.5 mm ± 100 μm, incorporates an absolute head orientation sensor, and weighs only 13.9 g. The MiniLFOV is capable of both deep brain and cortical imaging and has been validated in freely behaving rats by simultaneously imaging >1000 GCaMP7s-expressing neurons in the hippocampal CA1 layer and in head-fixed mice by simultaneously imaging ~2000 neurons in the dorsal cortex through a cranial window. The MiniLFOV also supports optional wire-free operation using a novel, wire-free data acquisition expansion board. We expect that this new open-source implementation of the UCLA Miniscope platform will enable researchers to address novel hypotheses concerning brain function in freely behaving animals.

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