
Low-illumination and noisy bridge crack image restoration by deep CNN denoiser and normalized flow module.






When applying deep learning and image processing techniques for bridge crack detection, the obtained images in real-world scenarios have severe image degradation problem. This study focuses on restoring low-illumination bridge crack images corrupted by noise to improve the accuracy of subsequent crack detection and semantic segmentation. The proposed algorithm consists of a deep CNN denoiser and a normalized flow-based brightness enhancement module. By taking the noise spectrum as an input, the deep CNN denoiser restores image at a broad range of noise levels. The normalized flow module, employs a conditional encoder and a reversible network to map the distribution of normally exposed images to a Gaussian distribution, effectively improving the image brightness. Extensive experiments have demonstrated the approach can usefully recover low-illumination images corrupted by noise compared to the state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, the algorithm presented in this study can also be applied to other image quality restoration with high generalization and robust abilities. And the semantic segmentation accuracy of the restored image is significantly improved.© 2024. The Author(s).

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