
Looking for the Detail and Context Devils: High-Resolution Salient Object Detection.






In recent years, Salient Object Detection (SOD) has shown great success with the achievements of large-scale benchmarks and deep learning techniques. However, existing SOD methods mainly focus on natural images with low-resolutions, e.g., 400×400 or less. This drawback hinders them for advanced practical applications, which need high-resolution, detail-aware results. Besides, lacking of the boundary detail and semantic context of salient objects is also a key concern for accurate SOD. To address these issues, in this work we focus on the High-Resolution Salient Object Detection (HRSOD) task. Technically, we propose the first end-to-end learnable framework, named Dual ReFinement Network (DRFNet), for fully automatic HRSOD. More specifically, the proposed DRFNet consists of a shared feature extractor and two effective refinement heads. By decoupling the detail and context information, one refinement head adopts a global-aware feature pyramid. Without increasing too much computational burden, it can boost the spatial detail information, which narrows the gap between high-level semantics and low-level details. In parallel, the other refinement head adopts hybrid dilated convolutional blocks and group-wise upsamplings, which are very efficient in extracting contextual information. Based on the dual refinements, our approach can enlarge receptive fields and obtain more discriminative features from high-resolution images. Experimental results on high-resolution benchmarks (the public DUT-HRSOD and the proposed DAVIS-SOD) demonstrate that our method is not only efficient but also performs more accurate than other state-of-the-arts. Besides, our method generalizes well on typical low-resolution benchmarks.

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