Localization and grading of NPDR lesions using ResNet-18-YOLOv8 model and informative features selection for DR classification based on transfer learning.






Complications in diabetes lead to diabetic retinopathy (DR) hence affecting the vision. Computerized methods performed a significant role in DR detection at the initial phase to cure vision loss. Therefore, a method is proposed in this study that consists of three models for localization, segmentation, and classification. A novel technique is designed with the combination of pre-trained ResNet-18 and YOLOv8 models based on the selection of optimum layers for the localization of DR lesions. The localized images are passed to the designed semantic segmentation model on selected layers and trained on optimized learning hyperparameters. The segmentation model performance is evaluated on the Grand-challenge IDRID segmentation dataset. The achieved results are computed in terms of mean IoU 0.95,0.94, 0.96, 0.94, and 0.95 on OD, SoftExs, HardExs, HAE, and MAs respectively. Another classification model is developed in which deep features are derived from the pre-trained Efficientnet-b0 model and optimized using a Genetic algorithm (GA) based on the selected parameters for grading of NPDR lesions. The proposed model achieved greater than 98 % accuracy which is superior to previous methods.© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

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