
Learning binary and sparse permutation-invariant representations for fast and memory efficient whole slide image search.






Considering their gigapixel sizes, the representation of whole slide images (WSIs) for classification and retrieval systems is a non-trivial task. Patch processing and multi-Instance Learning (MIL) are common approaches to analyze WSIs. However, in end-to-end training, these methods require high GPU memory consumption due to the simultaneous processing of multiple sets of patches. Furthermore, compact WSI representations through binary and/or sparse representations are urgently needed for real-time image retrieval within large medical archives. To address these challenges, we propose a novel framework for learning compact WSI representations utilizing deep conditional generative modeling and the Fisher Vector Theory. The training of our method is instance-based, achieving better memory and computational efficiency during the training. To achieve efficient large-scale WSI search, we introduce new loss functions, namely gradient sparsity and gradient quantization losses, for learning sparse and binary permutation-invariant WSI representations called Conditioned Sparse Fisher Vector (C-Deep-SFV), and Conditioned Binary Fisher Vector (C-Deep-BFV). The learned WSI representations are validated on the largest public WSI archive, The Cancer Genomic Atlas (TCGA) and also Liver-Kidney-Stomach (LKS) dataset. For WSI search, the proposed method outperforms Yottixel and Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)-based Fisher Vector both in terms of retrieval accuracy and speed. For WSI classification, we achieve competitive performance against state-of-art on lung cancer data from TCGA and the public benchmark LKS dataset.Copyright © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

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