Label-Aware Dual Graph Neural Networks for Multi-Label Fundus Image Classification.






Fundus disease is a complex and universal disease involving a variety of pathologies. Its early diagnosis using fundus images can effectively prevent further diseases and provide targeted treatment plans for patients. Recent deep learning models for classification of this disease are gradually emerging as a critical research field, which is attracting widespread attention. However, in practice, most of the existing methods only focus on local visual cues of a single image, and ignore the underlying explicit interaction similarity between subjects and correlation information among pathologies in fundus diseases. In this paper, we propose a novel label-aware dual graph neural networks for multi-label fundus image classification that consists of population-based graph representation learning and pathology-based graph representation learning modules. Specifically, we first construct a population-based graph by integrating image features and non-image information to learn patient’s representations by incorporating associations between subjects. Then, we represent pathologies as a sparse graph where its nodes are associated with pathology-based feature vectors and the edges correspond to probability of the co-occurrence of labels to generate a set of classifier scores by the propagation of multi-layer graph information. Finally, our model can adaptively recalibrate multi-label outputs. Detailed experiments and analysis of our results show the effectiveness of our method compared with state-of-the-art multi-label fundus image classification methods.

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