KnoMol: A Knowledge-Enhanced Graph Transformer for Molecular Property Prediction.






Molecular property prediction (MPP) techniques are pivotal in reducing drug development costs by preemptively predicting bioactivity and ADMET properties. Despite the application of numerous deep learning approaches, enhancing the representational capacity of these models remains a significant challenge. This paper presents a novel knowledge-based Transformer framework, KnoMol, designed to improve the understanding of molecular structures. KnoMol integrates expert chemical knowledge into the Transformer, emulating the analytical methods of medicinal chemists. Additionally, the multiperspective attention mechanism provides a more precise way to represent ring systems. In the evaluation experiments, KnoMol achieved state-of-the-art performance on both MoleculeNet and small-scale data sets, surpassing existing models in terms of accuracy and generalization. Further research indicated that the incorporation of knowledge significantly reduces KnoMol’s reliance on data volumes, offering a solution to the challenge of data scarcity. Moreover, KnoMol identified several new inhibitors of HER2 in a case study, demonstrating its value in real-world applications. Overall, this research not only provides a powerful tool for MPP but also serves as a successful precedent for embedding knowledge into Transformers, with positive implications for computer-aided drug discovery and the development of MPP algorithms.

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