Keys for Action: An Efficient Keyframe-Based Approach for 3D Action Recognition Using a Deep Neural Network.






In this paper, we propose a novel and efficient framework for 3D action recognition using a deep learning architecture. First, we develop a 3D normalized pose space that consists of only 3D normalized poses, which are generated by discarding translation and orientation information. From these poses, we extract joint features and employ them further in a Deep Neural Network (DNN) in order to learn the action model. The architecture of our DNN consists of two hidden layers with the sigmoid activation function and an output layer with the softmax function. Furthermore, we propose a keyframe extraction methodology through which, from a motion sequence of 3D frames, we efficiently extract the keyframes that contribute substantially to the performance of the action. In this way, we eliminate redundant frames and reduce the length of the motion. More precisely, we ultimately summarize the motion sequence, while preserving the original motion semantics. We only consider the remaining essential informative frames in the process of action recognition, and the proposed pipeline is sufficiently fast and robust as a result. Finally, we evaluate our proposed framework intensively on publicly available benchmark Motion Capture (MoCap) datasets, namely HDM05 and CMU. From our experiments, we reveal that our proposed scheme significantly outperforms other state-of-the-art approaches.

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