
Key-Point Detection Algorithm of Deep Learning Can Predict Lower Limb Alignment with Simple Knee Radiographs.






(1) Background: There have been many attempts to predict the weight-bearing line (WBL) ratio using simple knee radiographs. Using a convolutional neural network (CNN), we focused on predicting the WBL ratio quantitatively. (2) Methods: From March 2003 to December 2021, 2410 patients with 4790 knee AP radiographs were randomly selected using stratified random sampling. Our dataset was cropped by four points annotated by a specialist with a 10-pixel margin. The model predicted our interest points, which were both plateau points, i.e., starting WBL point and exit WBL point. The resulting value of the model was analyzed in two ways: pixel units and WBL error values. (3) Results: The mean accuracy (MA) was increased from around 0.5 using a 2-pixel unit to around 0.8 using 6 pixels in both the validation and the test sets. When the tibial plateau length was taken as 100%, the MA was increased from approximately 0.1, using 1%, to approximately 0.5, using 5% in both the validation and the test sets. (4) Conclusions: The DL-based key-point detection algorithm for predicting lower limb alignment through labeling using simple knee AP radiographs demonstrated comparable accuracy to that of the direct measurement using whole leg radiographs. Using this algorithm, the WBL ratio prediction with simple knee AP radiographs could be useful to diagnose lower limb alignment in osteoarthritis patients in primary care.

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