
Influence of training and expertise on deep neural network attention and human attention during a medical image classification task.






In many different domains, experts can make complex decisions after glancing very briefly at an image. However, the perceptual mechanisms underlying expert performance are still largely unknown. Recently, several machine learning algorithms have been shown to outperform human experts in specific tasks. But these algorithms often behave as black boxes and their information processing pipeline remains unknown. This lack of transparency and interpretability is highly problematic in applications involving human lives, such as health care. One way to “open the black box” is to compute an artificial attention map from the model, which highlights the pixels of the input image that contributed the most to the model decision. In this work, we directly compare human visual attention to machine visual attention when performing the same visual task. We have designed a medical diagnosis task involving the detection of lesions in small bowel endoscopic images. We collected eye movements from novices and gastroenterologist experts while they classified medical images according to their relevance for Crohn’s disease diagnosis. We trained three state-of-the-art deep learning models on our carefully labeled dataset. Both humans and machine performed the same task. We extracted artificial attention with six different post hoc methods. We show that the model attention maps are significantly closer to human expert attention maps than to novices’, especially for pathological images. As the model gets trained and its performance gets closer to the human experts, the similarity between model and human attention increases. Through the understanding of the similarities between the visual decision-making process of human experts and deep neural networks, we hope to inform both the training of new doctors and the architecture of new algorithms.

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