Indian major basmati paddy seed varieties images dataset.






The dataset contains images of 10 out of 32 notified Indian basmati seeds varieties (by the Government of India). Indian basmati paddy varieties included in the dataset are 1121, 1509, 1637, 1718, 1728, BAS-370, CSR 30, Type-3/Dehraduni Basmati, PB-1 and PB-6. Moreover, several images of other seeds and related entities available in the household have also been included in the dataset. Thus, the dataset contains 11 classes such that ten classes contain images from ten different basmati paddy varieties. In contrast, the 11th class- named “Unknown” contains images from a mixture of two morphologically similar paddy varieties (1121 and 1509), different pulses, other grains and related food entities. The Unknown class is useful in discriminating the paddy seeds from other types of seeds and related food entities. All the images were captured (in standard conditions) manually using an apparatus developed in-house and a tablet with a five-megapixel camera (5MP). The camera was used to capture 3210 RGB coloured images in JPG format. The data pre-processing was performed to generate the ready-to-use images for training and testing machine learning-based models. AI-based paddy seed variety classification models have been developed using the dataset. The dataset can be used to generate different types of AI-based models for adulteration detection, automated classification models (along with independent devices) at the time of rice threshing, and to increase the classification potential (Supplementing images representing additional basmati varieties).
© 2020 The Author(s).

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