
Implementation of smart social distancing for COVID-19 based on deep learning algorithm.






The first step to reducing the effect of viral disease is to prevent the spread which could be achieved by implementing social distancing (reducing the number of close physical interactions between peoples). Almost every viral disease whose means of communication is air, and enters through mouth or nose, definitely will affect our vocal organs which cause changes in features of our voice and could be traceable using feature analysis of voice using deep learning. The detection of an affected person using deep neural networks and tracking him would help us in the implementation of the social distancing rule in an area where it is needed. The aim of this paper is to study different solutions which help in enabling, encouraging, and even enforcing social distancing. In this paper, we implemented and analyzed scenarios on the basis of COVID-19 patient detection using cough and tracking him using smart cameras, or emerging wireless technologies with deep learning techniques for prediction and preventing the spread of disease. Thus these techniques are easy to be implemented in the initial stage of any pandemic as well and will help us in the implementation of smart social distancing (apply whenever needed).© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2022.

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