
[Imaging for urolithiasis].






The substantial reduction of radiation exposure using (ultra-)low dose programs in native computed tomographic imaging has led to considerable changes in imaging diagnostics and treatment planning in urolithiasis in recent years. In addition, especially in Germany, ultrasound diagnostics is highly available in terms of equipment and with increasing expertise. This can largely replace the previous radiation-associated procedures in emergency and follow-up diagnostics, but also in intraoperative imaging, e.g., in percutaneous stone therapy (intraoperative fluoroscopy). This is reflected in the international guidelines, which recommend these two modalities as first-line diagnostics in all areas mentioned. Continuous technical development enables ever higher resolution imaging and thus improved diagnostics with high sensitivity and specificity. This also enables reliable imaging of particularly vulnerable patient groups, such as children or pregnant women. In addition, methods from the field of artificial intelligence (AI; machine learning, deep learning) are increasingly being used for automated stone detection and stone characterization including its composition. Furthermore, AI models can provide prognosis models as well as individually tailored treatment, follow-up, and prophyaxis. This will enable further personalization of diagnostics and therapy in the field of urolithiasis.© 2023. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Medizin Verlag GmbH, ein Teil von Springer Nature.

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