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Hybrid deep learning approach for sentiment analysis using text and emojis.






Sentiment Analysis (SA) is a technique for categorizing texts based on the sentimental polarity of people’s opinions. This paper introduces a sentiment analysis (SA) model with text and emojis. The two preprocessed data’s are data with text and emojis and text without emojis. Feature extraction consists text features and text with emojis features. The text features are features like N-grams, modified Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF), and Bag-of-Words (BoW) features extracted from the text. In classification, CNN (Conventional Neural Network) and MLP (Multi-Layer Perception) use emojis and text-based SA. The CNN weight is optimized by a new Electric fish Customized Shark Smell Optimization (ECSSO) Algorithm. Similarly, the text-based SA is carried out by hybrid Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) classifiers. The bagged data are given as input to the classification process via RNN and LSTM. Here, the weight of LSTM is optimized by the suggested ECSSO algorithm. Then, the mean of LSTM and RNN determines the final output. The specificity of the developed scheme is 29.01%, 42.75%, 23.88%,22.07%, 25.31%, 18.42%, 5.68%, 10.34%, 6.20%, 6.64%, and 6.84% better for 70% than other models. The efficiency of the proposed scheme is computed and evaluated.

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