
Generative Adversarial Network for Musical Notation Recognition during Music Teaching.






In order to improve the quality and efficiency of music teaching, we try to automate the teaching of music notation. With the addition of computer vision technology and note recognition algorithms, we improve the generative adversarial network to enhance the recognition accuracy and efficiency of music short scores. We adopt an embedded matching structure based on adversarial neural networks, starting from generators and discriminators, respectively, to unify generators and discriminators from the note input side. Each network layer is then laid out according to a cascade structure to preserve the different layers of note features in each convolutional layer. Residual blocks are then inserted in some network layers to break the symmetry of the network structure and enhance the ability of the adversarial network to acquire note features. To verify the efficiency of our method, we select monophonic spectrum, polyphonic spectrum, and miscellaneous spectrum datasets for validation. The experimental results demonstrate that our method has the best recognition accuracy in the monophonic spectrum and the miscellaneous spectrum, which is better than the machine learning method. In the recognition efficiency of note detail information, our method is more efficient in recognition and outperforms other deep learning methods.Copyright © 2022 Na Li.

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