Frequency-Aware Divide-and-Conquer for Efficient Real Noise Removal.






Deep-learning-based approaches have achieved remarkable progress for complex real scenario denoising, yet their accuracy-efficiency tradeoff is still understudied, particularly critical for mobile devices. As real noise is unevenly distributed relative to underlay signals in different frequency bands, we introduce a frequency-aware divide-and-conquer strategy to develop a frequency-aware denoising network (FADN). FADN is materialized by stacking frequency-aware denoising blocks (FADBs), in which a denoised image is progressively predicted by a series of frequency-aware noise dividing and conquering operations. For noise dividing, FADBs decompose the noisy and clean image pairs into low-and high-frequency representations via a wavelet transform (WT) followed by an invertible network and recover the final denoised image by integrating the denoised information from different frequency bands. For noise conquering, the separated low-frequency representation of the noisy image is kept as clean as possible by the supervision of the clean counterpart, while the high-frequency representation combining the estimated residual from the successive FADB is purified under the corresponding accompanied supervision for residual compensation. Since our FADN progressively and pertinently denoises from frequency bands, the accuracy-efficiency tradeoff can be controlled as a requirement by the number of FADBs. Experimental results on the SIDD, DND, and NAM datasets show that our FADN outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by improving the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and decreasing the model parameters. The code is released at

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