
Extensive Multilabel Classification of Brain MRI Scans for Infarcts Using the Swin UNETR Architecture in Deep Learning Applications.






To distinguish infarct location and type with the utmost precision using the advantages of the Swin UNEt TRansformers (Swin UNETR) architecture.The research employed a two-phase training approach. In the first phase, the Swin UNETR model was trained using the Ischemic Stroke Lesion Segmentation Challenge (ISLES) 2022 dataset, which included cases of acute and subacute infarcts. The second phase involved training with data from 309 patients. The 110 categories result from classifying infarcts based on 22 specific brain regions. Each region is divided into right and left sides, and each side includes four types of infarcts (acute, acute lacunar, subacute, subacute lacunar). The unique architecture of Swin UNETR, integrating elements of both the transformer and u-net designs with a hierarchical transformer computed with shifted windows, played a crucial role in the study.During Swin UNETR training with the ISLES 2022 dataset, batch loss decreased to 0.8885±0.1897, with training and validation dice scores reaching 0.4224±0.0710 and 0.4827±0.0607, respectively. The optimal model weight had a validation dice score of 0.5747. In the patient data model, batch loss decreased to 0.0565±0.0427, with final training and validation accuracies of 0.9842±0.0005 and 0.9837±0.0010.The results of this study surpass the accuracy of similar studies, but they involve the issue of overfitting, highlighting the need for future efforts to improve generalizability. Such detailed classifications could significantly aid physicians in diagnosing infarcts in clinical settings.

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