
ETSNet: A deep neural network for EEG-based temporal-spatial pattern recognition in psychiatric disorder and emotional distress classification.






The use of EEG for evaluating and diagnosing neurological abnormalities related to psychiatric diseases and identifying human emotions has been improved by deep learning advancements. This research aims to categorize individuals with schizophrenia (SZ), their biological relatives (REL), and healthy controls (HC) using resting EEG brain source signal data defined by regions of interest (ROIs). The proposed solution is a deep neural network for the cortical source signals of the ROIs, incorporating a Squeeze-and-Excitation Block and multiple CNNs designed for eyes-open and closed resting states. The model, called EEG Temporal Spatial Network (ETSNet), has two variants: ETSNets and ETSNetf. Two evaluations were conducted to show the effectiveness of the proposed model. The average accuracy for the classification of SZ, REL, and HC using EEG resting data was 99.57% (ETSNetf), and the average accuracy for the classification of eyes-open (EO) and eyes-closed (EC) resting states was 93.15% (ETSNets). An ablation study was also conducted using two public datasets for intellectual and developmental disorders and emotional states, showing improved classification accuracy compared to advanced EEG classification algorithms when using ETSNets.Copyright © 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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