Effective Multiscale Deep Learning Model for COVID19 Segmentation Tasks: A Further Step Towards helping Radiologist.






Infection by the SARS-CoV-2 leading to COVID-19 disease is still rising and techniques to either diagnose or evaluate the disease are still thoroughly investigated. The use of CT as a complementary tool to other biological tests is still under scrutiny as the CT scans are prone to many false positives as other lung diseases display similar characteristics on CT scans. However, fully investigating CT images is of tremendous interest to better understand the disease progression and therefore thousands of scans need to be segmented by radiologists to study infected areas. Over the last year, many deep learning models for segmenting CT-lungs were developed. Unfortunately, the lack of large and shared annotated multicentric datasets led to models that were either under-tested (small dataset) or not properly compared (own metrics, none shared dataset), often leading to poor generalization performance. To address, these issues, we developed a model that uses a multiscale and multilevel feature extraction strategy for COVID19 segmentation and extensively validated it on several datasets to assess its generalization capability for other segmentation tasks on similar organs. The proposed model uses a novel encoder and decoder with a proposed kernel-based atrous spatial pyramid pooling module that is used at the bottom of the model to extract small features with a multistage skip connection concatenation approach. The results proved that our proposed model could be applied on a small-scale dataset and still produce generalizable performances on other segmentation tasks. The proposed model produced an efficient Dice score of 90 % on a 100 cases dataset, 95 % on the NSCLC dataset, 88.49 % on the COVID19 dataset, and 97.33 on the StructSeg 2019 dataset as compared to existing state-of-the-art models. The proposed solution could be used for COVID19 segmentation in clinic applications. The source code is publicly available at https://github.com/RespectKnowledge/Mutiscale-based-Covid-_segmentation-usingDeep-Learning-models.© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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