
Effect of daily new cases of COVID-19 on public sentiment and concern: Deep learning-based sentiment classification and semantic network analysis.






This study explored the influence of daily new case videos posted by public health agencies (PHAs) on TikTok in the context of COVID-19 normalization, as well as public sentiment and concerns. Five different stages were used, based on the Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication model, amidst the 2022 Shanghai lockdown.After dividing the duration of the 2022 Shanghai lockdown into stages, we crawled all the user comments of videos posted by Healthy China on TikTok with the theme of daily new cases based on these five stages. Third, we constructed the pre-training model, ERNIE, to classify the sentiment of user comments. Finally, we performed semantic network analyses based on the sentiment classification results.First, the high cost of fighting the epidemic during the 2022 Shanghai lockdown was why ordinary people were reluctant to cooperate with the anti-epidemic policy in the pre-crisis stage. Second, Shanghai unilaterally revised the definition of asymptomatic patients led to an escalation of risk levels and control conditions in other regions, ultimately affecting the lives and work of ordinary people in the area during the initial event stage. Third, the public reported specific details that affected their lives due to the long-term resistance to the epidemic in the maintenance stage. Fourth, the public became bored with videos regarding daily new cases in the resolution stage. Finally, the main reason for the negative public sentiment was that the local government did not follow the central government’s anti-epidemic policy.Our results suggest that the methodology used in this study is feasible. Furthermore, our findings will help the Chinese government or PHAs improve the possible behaviors that displease the public in the anti-epidemic process.© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2023, Springer Nature or its licensor (e.g. a society or other partner) holds exclusive rights to this article under a publishing agreement with the author(s) or other rightsholder(s); author self-archiving of the accepted manuscript version of this article is solely governed by the terms of such publishing agreement and applicable law.

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