Divide and Count: Generic Object Counting by Image Divisions.






We propose a general object counting method that does not use any prior category information. We learn from local image divisions to predict global image-level counts without using any form of local annotations. Our method separates the input image into a sets of image divisions – each fully covering the image. Each image division is composed of a set of region proposals or uniform grid cells. Our approach learns in an endto- end deep learning architecture to predict global image-level counts from local image divisions. The method incorporates a counting layer which predicts object counts in the complete image, by enforcing consistency in counts when dealing with overlapping image regions. Our counting layer is based on the inclusion-exclusion principle from set theory. We analyze the individual building blocks of our proposed approach on Pascal- VOC2007 and evaluate our method on the MS-COCO large scale generic object dataset as well as on three class-specific counting datasets: UCSD pedestrian dataset, and CARPK and PUCPR+ car datasets.

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