DeepCEST 7 T: Fast and homogeneous mapping of 7 T CEST MRI parameters and their uncertainty quantification.






In this work, we investigated the ability of neural networks to rapidly and robustly predict Lorentzian parameters of multi-pool CEST MRI spectra at 7 T with corresponding uncertainty maps to make them quickly and easily available for routine clinical use.We developed a deepCEST 7 T approach that generates CEST contrasts from just 1 scan with robustness against B1 inhomogeneities. The input data for a neural feed-forward network consisted of 7 T in vivo uncorrected Z-spectra of a single B1 level, and a B1 map. The 7 T raw data were acquired using a 3D snapshot gradient echo multiple interleaved mode saturation CEST sequence. These inputs were mapped voxel-wise to target data consisting of Lorentzian amplitudes generated conventionally by 5-pool Lorentzian fitting of normalized, denoised, B0 – and B1 -corrected Z-spectra. The deepCEST network was trained with Gaussian negative log-likelihood loss, providing an uncertainty quantification in addition to the Lorentzian amplitudes.The deepCEST 7 T network provides fast and accurate prediction of all Lorentzian parameters also when only a single B1 level is used. The prediction was highly accurate with respect to the Lorentzian fit amplitudes, and both healthy tissues and hyperintensities in tumor areas are predicted with a low uncertainty. In corrupted cases, high uncertainty indicated wrong predictions reliably.The proposed deepCEST 7 T approach reduces scan time by 50% to now 6:42 min, but still delivers both B0 – and B1 -corrected homogeneous CEST contrasts along with an uncertainty map, which can increase diagnostic confidence. Multiple accurate 7 T CEST contrasts are delivered within seconds.© 2022 The Authors. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

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