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Deep TL: progress of a machine learning aided personal dose monitoring system.






Personal dosemeters using thermoluminescence detectors can provide information about the irradiation event beyond the pure dose estimation, which is valuable for improving radiation protection measures. In the presented study, the glow curves of the novel TL-DOS dosemeters developed by the Materialprüfungsamt NRW in cooperation with the TU Dortmund University are analysed using deep learning approaches to predict the irradiation date of a single-dose irradiation of 10 mGy within a monitoring interval of 41 d. In contrast of previous work, the glow curves are measured using the current routine read-out process by pre-heating the detectors before the read-out. The irradiation dates are predicted with an accuracy of 2-5 d by the deep learning algorithm. Furthermore, the importance of the input features is evaluated using Shapley values to increase the interpretability of the neural network.© The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected].

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