Deep Multiview Adaptive Clustering With Semantic Invariance.






Multiview clustering has attracted significant attention in various fields, due to the superiority in mining patterns of multiview data. However, previous methods are still confronted with two challenges. First, they do not fully consider the semantic invariance of multiview data in aggregating complementary information, degrading semantic robustness of fusion representations. Second, they rely on predefined clustering strategies to mine patterns, lacking adequate explorations of data structures. To address the challenges, deep multiview adaptive clustering via semantic invariance (DMAC-SI) is proposed, which learns an adaptive clustering strategy on semantics-robust fusion representations to fully explore structures in mining patterns. Specifically, a mirror fusion architecture is devised to explore interview invariance and intrainstance invariance hidden in multiview data, which captures invariant semantics of complementary information to learn semantics-robust fusion representations. Then, a Markov decision process of multiview data partitions is proposed within the reinforcement learning framework, which learns an adaptive clustering strategy on semantics-robust fusion representations to guarantee the structure explorations in mining patterns. The two components seamlessly collaborate in an end-to-end manner to accurately partition multiview data. Finally, extensive experiment results on five benchmark datasets demonstrate that DMAC-SI outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.

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