
Deep-learning-assisted and GPU-accelerated vector Doppler imaging with aliasing-resistant velocity estimation.






Vector flow imaging is a diagnostic ultrasound modality that is suited for the visualization of complex blood flow dynamics. One popular way of realizing vector flow imaging at high frame rates over 1000 fps is to apply multi-angle vector Doppler estimation principles in conjunction with plane wave pulse-echo sensing. However, this approach is susceptible to flow vector estimation errors attributed to Doppler aliasing, which is prone to arise when a low pulse repetition frequency (PRF) is inevitably used due to the need for finer velocity resolution or because of hardware constraints. Existing dealiasing solutions tailored for vector Doppler may have high computational demand that makes them unfeasible for practical applications. In this paper, we present the use of deep learning and graphical processing unit (GPU) computing principles to devise a fast vector Doppler estimation framework that is resilient against aliasing artifacts. Our new framework works by using a convolutional neural network (CNN) to detect aliased regions in vector Doppler images and subsequently applying an aliasing correction algorithm only at these affected regions. The framework’s CNN was trained using 15,000 in vivo vector Doppler frames acquired from the femoral and carotid arteries, including healthy and diseased conditions. Results show that our framework can perform aliasing segmentation with an average precision of 90 % and can render aliasing-free vector flow maps with real-time processing throughputs (25-100 fps). Overall, our new framework can improve the visualization quality of vector Doppler imaging in real-time.Copyright © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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