
Deep Double Incomplete Multi-View Multi-Label Learning With Incomplete Labels and Missing Views.






View missing and label missing are two challenging problems in the applications of multi-view multi-label classification scenery. In the past years, many efforts have been made to address the incomplete multi-view learning or incomplete multi-label learning problem. However, few works can simultaneously handle the challenging case with both the incomplete issues. In this article, we propose a new incomplete multi-view multi-label learning network to address this challenging issue. The proposed method is composed of four major parts: view-specific deep feature extraction network, weighted representation fusion module, classification module, and view-specific deep decoder network. By, respectively, integrating the view missing information and label missing information into the weighted fusion module and classification module, the proposed method can effectively reduce the negative influence caused by two such incomplete issues and sufficiently explore the available data and label information to obtain the most discriminative feature extractor and classifier. Furthermore, our method can be trained in both supervised and semi-supervised manners, which has important implications for flexible deployment. Experimental results on five benchmarks in supervised and semi-supervised cases demonstrate that the proposed method can greatly enhance the classification performance on the difficult incomplete multi-view multi-label classification tasks with missing labels and missing views.

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