
DCT-net: Dual-domain cross-fusion transformer network for MRI reconstruction.






Current challenges in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) include long acquisition times and motion artifacts. To address these issues, under-sampled k-space acquisition has gained popularity as a fast imaging method. However, recovering fine details from under-sampled data remains challenging. In this study, we introduce a pioneering deep learning approach, namely DCT-Net, designed for dual-domain MRI reconstruction. DCT-Net seamlessly integrates information from the image domain (IRM) and frequency domain (FRM), utilizing a novel Cross Attention Block (CAB) and Fusion Attention Block (FAB). These innovative blocks enable precise feature extraction and adaptive fusion across both domains, resulting in a significant enhancement of the reconstructed image quality. The adaptive interaction and fusion mechanisms of CAB and FAB contribute to the method’s effectiveness in capturing distinctive features and optimizing image reconstruction. Comprehensive ablation studies have been conducted to assess the contributions of these modules to reconstruction quality and accuracy. Experimental results on the FastMRI (2023) and Calgary-Campinas datasets (2021) demonstrate the superiority of our MRI reconstruction framework over other typical methods (most are illustrated in 2023 or 2022) in both qualitative and quantitative evaluations. This holds for knee and brain datasets under 4× and 8× accelerated imaging scenarios.Copyright © 2024. Published by Elsevier Inc.

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