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Current Evidence on Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Celiac Disease: Systematic Review.






Celiac disease (CD) is a chronic autoimmune disease that occurs in genetically predisposed individuals in whom the ingestion of gluten leads to damage of the small bowel. It is estimated to affect 1 in 100 people worldwide, but is severely underdiagnosed. Currently available guidelines require CD-specific serology and atrophic histology in duodenal biopsy samples for the diagnosis of adult CD. In pediatric CD, but in recent years in adults also, nonbioptic diagnostic strategies have become increasingly popular. In this setting, in order to increase the diagnostic rate of this pathology, endoscopy itself has been thought of as a case finding strategy by use of digital image processing techniques. Research focused on computer aided decision support used as database video capsule, endoscopy and even biopsy duodenal images. Early automated methods for diagnosis of celiac disease used feature extraction methods like spatial domain features, transform domain features, scale-invariant features and spatio-temporal features. Recent artificial intelligence (AI) techniques using deep learning (DL) methods such as convolutional neural network (CNN), support vector machines (SVM) or Bayesian inference have emerged as a breakthrough computer technology which can be used for computer aided diagnosis of celiac disease. In the current review we summarize methods used in clinical studies for classification of CD from feature extraction methods to AI techniques.
Copyright © 2020 Molder, Balaban, Jinga and Molder.

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