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COVID-19 in CXR: from Detection and Severity Scoring to Patient Disease Monitoring.






This work estimates the severity of pneumonia in COVID-19 patients and reports the findings of a longitudinal study of disease progression. It presents a deep learning model for simultaneous detection and localization of pneumonia in chest Xray (CXR) images, which is shown to generalize to COVID-19 pneumonia. The localization maps are utilized to calculate a “Pneumonia Ratio” which indicates disease severity. The assessment of disease severity serves to build a temporal disease extent profile for hospitalized patients. To validate the model’s applicability to the patient monitoring task, we developed a validation strategy which involves a synthesis of Digital Reconstructed Radiographs (DRRs – synthetic Xray) from serial CT scans; we then compared the disease progression profiles that were generated from the DRRs to those that were generated from CT volumes.

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