Comparison of clinical utility of deep learning-based systems for small-bowel capsule endoscopy reading.






Convolutional neural network (CNN) systems that automatically detect abnormalities from small-bowel capsule endoscopy (SBCE) images are still experimental, and no studies have directly compared the clinical usefulness of different systems. We compared endoscopist readings using an existing and a novel CNN system in a real-world SBCE setting.Thirty-six complete SBCE videos, including 43 abnormal lesions (18 mucosal breaks, 8 angioectasia, and 17 protruding lesions), were retrospectively prepared. Three reading processes were compared: (A) endoscopist readings without CNN screening, (B) endoscopist readings after an existing CNN screening, and (C) endoscopist readings after a novel CNN screening.The mean number of small-bowel images was 14 747 per patient. Among these images, existing and novel CNN systems automatically captured 24.3% and 9.4% of the images, respectively. In this process, both systems extracted all 43 abnormal lesions. Next, we focused on the clinical usefulness. The detection rates of abnormalities by trainee endoscopists were not significantly different across the three processes: A, 77%; B, 67%; and C, 79%. The mean reading time of the trainees was the shortest during process C (10.1 min per patient), followed by processes B (23.1 min per patient) and A (33.6 min per patient). The mean psychological stress score while reading videos (scale, 1-5) was the lowest in process C (1.8) but was not significantly different between processes B (2.8) and A (3.2).Our novel CNN system significantly reduced endoscopist reading time and psychological stress while maintaining the detectability of abnormalities. CNN performance directly affects clinical utility and should be carefully assessed.© 2023 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

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