Comparing the performance of artificial intelligence and conventional diagnosis criteria for detecting left ventricular hypertrophy using electrocardiography.






Although left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) has a high incidence and clinical importance, the conventional diagnosis criteria for detecting LVH using electrocardiography (ECG) has not been satisfied. We aimed to develop an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm for detecting LVH.
This retrospective cohort study involved the review of 21 286 patients who were admitted to two hospitals between October 2016 and July 2018 and underwent 12-lead ECG and echocardiography within 4 weeks. The patients in one hospital were divided into a derivation and internal validation dataset, while the patients in the other hospital were included in only an external validation dataset. An AI algorithm based on an ensemble neural network (ENN) combining convolutional and deep neural network was developed using the derivation dataset. And we visualized the ECG area that the AI algorithm used to make the decision. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of the AI algorithm based on ENN was 0.880 (95% confidence interval 0.877-0.883) and 0.868 (0.865-0.871) during the internal and external validations. These results significantly outperformed the cardiologist’s clinical assessment with Romhilt-Estes point system and Cornell voltage criteria, Sokolov-Lyon criteria, and interpretation of ECG machine. At the same specificity, the AI algorithm based on ENN achieved 159.9%, 177.7%, and 143.8% higher sensitivities than those of the cardiologist’s assessment, Sokolov-Lyon criteria, and interpretation of ECG machine.
An AI algorithm based on ENN was highly able to detect LVH and outperformed cardiologists, conventional methods, and other machine learning techniques.
Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. © The Author(s) 2019. For permissions, please email: [email protected].

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