
[Cascaded multi-level medical image registration method based on transformer].






In deep learning-based image registration, the deformable region with complex anatomical structures is an important factor affecting the accuracy of network registration. However, it is difficult for existing methods to pay attention to complex anatomical regions of images. At the same time, the receptive field of the convolutional neural network is limited by the size of its convolution kernel, and it is difficult to learn the relationship between the voxels with far spatial location, making it difficult to deal with the large region deformation problem. Aiming at the above two problems, this paper proposes a cascaded multi-level registration network model based on transformer, and equipped it with a difficult deformable region perceptron based on mean square error. The difficult deformation perceptron uses sliding window and floating window techniques to retrieve the registered images, obtain the difficult deformation coefficient of each voxel, and identify the regions with the worst registration effect. In this study, the cascaded multi-level registration network model adopts the difficult deformation perceptron for hierarchical connection, and the self-attention mechanism is used to extract global features in the basic registration network to optimize the registration results of different scales. The experimental results show that the method proposed in this paper can perform progressive registration of complex deformation regions, thereby optimizing the registration results of brain medical images, which has a good auxiliary effect on the clinical diagnosis of doctors.

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