
Calculating Protein-Ligand Residence Times Through State Predictive Information Bottleneck based Enhanced Sampling.






Understanding drug residence times in target proteins is key to improving drug efficacy and understanding target recognition in biochemistry. While drug residence time is just as important as binding affinity, atomiclevel understanding of drug residence times through molecular dynamics (MD) simulations has been difficult primarily due to the extremely long timescales. Recent advances in rare event sampling have allowed us to reach these timescales, yet predicting protein-ligand residence times remains a significant challenge. Here we present a semi-automated protocol to calculate the ligand residence times across 12 orders of magnitudes of timescales. In our proposed framework, we integrate a deep learning-based method, the state predictive information bottleneck (SPIB), to learn an approximate reaction coordinate (RC) and use it to guide the enhanced sampling method metadynamics. We demonstrate the performance of our algorithm by applying it to six different protein-ligand complexes with available benchmark residence times, including the dissociation of the widely studied anti-cancer drug Imatinib (Gleevec) from both wild-type Abl kinase and drug-resistant mutants. We show how our protocol can recover quantitatively accurate residence times, potentially opening avenues for deeper insights into drug development possibilities and ligand recognition mechanisms.

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