
Bayesian neural networks for stock price forecasting before and during COVID-19 pandemic.






Recently, there has been much attention in the use of machine learning methods, particularly deep learning for stock price prediction. A major limitation of conventional deep learning is uncertainty quantification in predictions which affect investor confidence. Bayesian neural networks feature Bayesian inference for providing inference (training) of model parameters that provides a rigorous methodology for uncertainty quantification in predictions. Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling methods have been prominent in implementing inference of Bayesian neural networks; however certain limitations existed due to a large number of parameters and the need for better computational resources. Recently, there has been much progress in the area of Bayesian neural networks given the use of Langevin gradients with parallel tempering MCMC that can be implemented in a parallel computing environment. The COVID-19 pandemic had a drastic impact in the world economy and stock markets given different levels of lockdowns due to rise and fall of daily infections. It is important to investigate the performance of related forecasting models during the COVID-19 pandemic given the volatility in stock markets. In this paper, we use novel Bayesian neural networks for multi-step-ahead stock price forecasting before and during COVID-19. We also investigate if the pre-COVID-19 datasets are useful of modelling stock price forecasting during COVID-19. Our results indicate due to high volatility in the stock-price during COVID-19, it is more challenging to provide forecasting. However, we found that Bayesian neural networks could provide reasonable predictions with uncertainty quantification despite high market volatility during the first peak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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