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Autonomous Robotic System to Prune Sweet Pepper Leaves Using Semantic Segmentation with Deep Learning and Articulated Manipulator.






This paper proposes an autonomous robotic system to prune sweet pepper leaves using semantic segmentation with deep learning and an articulated manipulator. This system involves three main tasks: the perception of crop parts, the detection of pruning position, and the control of the articulated manipulator. A semantic segmentation neural network is employed to recognize the different parts of the sweet pepper plant, which is then used to create 3D point clouds for detecting the pruning position and the manipulator pose. Eventually, a manipulator robot is controlled to prune the crop part. This article provides a detailed description of the three tasks involved in building the sweet pepper pruning system and how to integrate them. In the experiments, we used a robot arm to manipulate the pruning leaf actions within a certain height range and a depth camera to obtain 3D point clouds. The control program was developed in different modules using various programming languages running on the ROS (Robot Operating System).

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