Automatic Segmentation and Visualization of Choroid in OCT with Knowledge Infused Deep Learning.






The choroid provides oxygen and nourishment to the outer retina thus is related to the pathology of various ocular diseases. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is advantageous in visualizing and quantifying the choroid in vivo, because it does not suffer from the information contamination of the inner retina in fundus photography and scanning laser ophthalmoscopy, and the resolution deficiency in ocular ultrasound. However, its application in the study of the choroid is still limited for two reasons. (1) The lower boundary of the choroid (choroid-sclera interface) in OCT is fuzzy, which makes the automatic segmentation difficult and inaccurate. (2) The visualization of the choroid is hindered by the vessel shadows from the superficial layers of the inner retina. In this paper, we propose to incorporate medical and imaging prior knowledge with deep learning to address these two problems. We propose a biomarker infused global-to-local network, for the choroid segmentation. It leverages the thickness of the choroid layer, which is a primary biomarker in clinic, as a constraint to improve the segmentation accuracy. We also design a global-to-local strategy in the choroid segmentation: a global module is used to segment all the retinal and choroidal layers simultaneously for suppressing overfitting and providing global structure information, then a local module is used to refine the segmentation with the biomarker infusion. For eliminating the retinal vessel shadows, we propose a deep learning pipeline, which firstly use anatomical and OCT imaging knowledge to locate the shadows using their projection on the retinal pigment epthelium layer, then the contents of the choroidal vasculature at the shadow locations are predicted with an edge-to-texture two-stage generative adversarial inpainting network. The experiments shows the proposed method outperforms the existing methods on both the segmentation and shadow elimination tasks. We further apply the proposed method in a clinical prospective study for understanding the pathology of glaucoma, which demonstrates its capacity in detecting the structure and vascular changes of the choroid related to the elevation of intra-ocular pressure.

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