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An Improved YOLOv7-Based Model for Real-Time Meter Reading with PConv and Attention Mechanisms.






With the increasing complexity of the grid meter dial, precise feature extraction is becoming more and more difficult. Many automatic recognition solutions have been proposed for grid meter readings. However, traditional inspection methods cannot guarantee detection accuracy in complex environments. So, deep-learning methods are combined with grid meter recognition. Existing recognition systems that utilize segmentation models exhibit very high computation. It is challenging to ensure high real-time performance in edge computing devices. Therefore, an improved meter recognition model based on YOLOv7 is proposed in this paper. Partial convolution (PConv) is introduced into YOLOv7 to create a lighter network. Different PConv introduction locations on the base module have been used in order to find the optimal approach for reducing the parameters and floating point of operations (FLOPs). Meanwhile, the dynamic head (DyHead) module is utilized to enhance the attention mechanism for the YOLOv7 model. It can improve the detection accuracy of striped objects. As a result, this paper achieves mAP50val of 97.87% and mAP50:90val of 62.4% with only 5.37 M parameters. The improved model’s inference speed can reach 108 frames per second (FPS). It enables detection accuracy that can reach ±0.1 degrees in the grid meter.

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