
An evaluation of remote sensing algorithms for the estimation of diffuse attenuation coefficients in the ultraviolet bands.






In this study, six algorithms (both empirical and semi-analytical) developed for the estimation of Kd in the ultraviolet (UV) domain (specifically 360, 380, and 400 nm) were evaluated from a dataset of 316 stations covering oligotrophic ocean and coastal waters. In particular, the semi-analytical algorithm (Lee et al. 2013) used remote sensing reflectance in these near-blue UV bands estimated from a recently developed deep learning system as the input. For Kd(380) in a range of 0.018 – 2.34 m-1, it is found that the semi-analytical algorithm has the best performance, where the mean absolute relative difference (MARD) is 0.19, and the coefficient of determination (R2) is 0.94. For the empirical algorithms, the MARD values are 0.23-0.90, with R2 as 0.70-0.92, for this evaluation dataset. For a VIIRS and in situ matchup dataset (N = 62), the MARD of Kd(380) is 0.21 (R2 as 0.94) by the semi-analytical algorithm. These results indicate that a combination of deep learning system and semi-analytical algorithms can provide reliable Kd(UV) for past and present satellite ocean color missions that have no spectral bands in the UV, where global Kd(UV) products are required for comprehensive studies of UV radiation on marine primary productivity and biogeochemical processes in the ocean.

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