
AI for Detection of Tuberculosis: Implications for Global Health.






“Just Accepted” papers have undergone full peer review and have been accepted for publication in Radiology: Artificial Intelligence. This article will undergo copyediting, layout, and proof review before it is published in its final version. Please note that during production of the final copyedited article, errors may be discovered which could affect the content. Tuberculosis, which primarily affects developing countries, remains a significant global health concern. Since the 2010s, the role of chest radiography has expanded in tuberculosis triage and screening beyond its traditional complementary role in the diagnosis of tuberculosis. Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems for tuberculosis detection on chest radiographs have recently made substantial progress in diagnostic performance, thanks to deep learning technologies. The current performance of CAD systems for tuberculosis has approximated that of human experts, presenting a potential solution to the shortage of human readers to interpret chest radiographs in low-or middle-income, high-tuberculosis-burden countries. This article provides a critical appraisal of developmental process reporting in extant CAD software for tuberculosis, based on the Checklist for Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging. It also explores several considerations to scale up CAD solutions, encompassing manufacturer-independent CAD validation, economic and political aspects, and ethical concerns, as well as the potential for broadening radiography-based diagnosis to other nontuberculosis diseases. Collectively, CAD for tuberculosis will emerge as a representative deep learning application, catalyzing advances in global health and health equity. ©RSNA, 2024.

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