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Advancing Bioactivity Prediction through Molecular Docking and Self-Attention.






Bioactivity refers to the ability of a substance to induce biological effects within living systems, often describing the influence of molecules, drugs, or chemicals on organisms. In drug discovery, predicting bioactivity streamlines early-stage candidate screening by swiftly identifying potential active molecules. The popular deep learning methods in bioactivity prediction primarily model the ligand structure-bioactivity relationship under the premise of Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR). However, bioactivity is determined by multiple factors, including not only the ligand structure but also drug-target interactions, signaling pathways, reaction environments, pharmacokinetic properties, and species differences. Our study first integrates drug-target interactions into bioactivity prediction using protein-ligand complex data from molecular docking. We devise a Drug-Target Interaction Graph Neural Network (DTIGN), infusing interatomic forces into intermolecular graphs. DTIGN employs multi-head self-attention to identify native-like binding pockets and poses within molecular docking results. To validate the fidelity of the self-attention mechanism, we gather ground truth data from crystal structure databases. Subsequently, we employ these limited native structures to refine bioactivity prediction via semi-supervised learning. For this study, we establish a unique benchmark dataset for evaluating bioactivity prediction models in the context of protein-ligand complexes, showcasing the superior performance of our method (with an average improvement of 27.03%) through comparison with 9 leading deep learning-based bioactivity prediction methods.

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