Adaptive Aggregate Stereo Matching Network with Depth Map Super-Resolution.






In order to avoid the direct depth reconstruction of the original image pair and improve the accuracy of the results, we proposed a coarse-to-fine stereo matching network combining multi-level residual optimization and depth map super-resolution (ASR-Net). First, we used the u-net feature extractor to obtain the multi-scale feature pair. Second, we reconstructed global disparity in the lowest resolution. Then, we regressed the residual disparity using the higher-resolution feature pair. Finally, the lowest-resolution depth map was refined by using the disparity residual. In addition, we introduced deformable convolution and group-wise cost volume into the network to achieve adaptive cost aggregation. Further, the network uses ABPN instead of the traditional interpolation method. The network was evaluated on three datasets: scene flow, kitti2015, and kitti2012 and the experimental results showed that the speed and accuracy of our method were excellent. On the kitti2015 dataset, the three-pixel error converged to 2.86%, and the speed was about six times and two times that of GC-net and GWC-net.

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