A universal multiple instance learning framework for whole slide image analysis.






The emergence of digital whole slide image (WSI) has driven the development of computational pathology. However, obtaining patch-level annotations is challenging and time-consuming due to the high resolution of WSI, which limits the applicability of fully supervised methods. We aim to address the challenges related to patch-level annotations.We propose a universal framework for weakly supervised WSI analysis based on Multiple Instance Learning (MIL). To achieve effective aggregation of instance features, we design a feature aggregation module from multiple dimensions by considering feature distribution, instances correlation and instance-level evaluation. First, we implement instance-level standardization layer and deep projection unit to improve the separation of instances in the feature space. Then, a self-attention mechanism is employed to explore dependencies between instances. Additionally, an instance-level pseudo-label evaluation method is introduced to enhance the available information during the weak supervision process. Finally, a bag-level classifier is used to obtain preliminary WSI classification results. To achieve even more accurate WSI label predictions, we have designed a key instance selection module that strengthens the learning of local features for instances. Combining the results from both modules leads to an improvement in WSI prediction accuracy.Experiments conducted on Camelyon16, TCGA-NSCLC, SICAPv2, PANDA and classical MIL benchmark datasets demonstrate that our proposed method achieves a competitive performance compared to some recent methods, with maximum improvement of 14.6 % in terms of classification accuracy.Our method can improve the classification accuracy of whole slide images in a weakly supervised way, and more accurately detect lesion areas.Copyright © 2024 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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