
A simple neural vector space model for medical concept normalization using concept embeddings.






Medical concept normalization (MCN), the task of linking textual mentions to concepts in an ontology, provides a solution to unify different ways of referring to the same concept. In this paper, we present a simple neural MCN model that takes mentions as input and directly predicts concepts.We evaluate our proposed model on clinical datasets from ShARe/CLEF eHealth 2013 shared task and 2019 n2c2/OHNLP shared task track 3. Our neural MCN model consists of an encoder, and a normalized temperature-scaled softmax (NT-softmax) layer that maximizes the cosine similarity score of matching the mention to the correct concept. We adopt SAPBERT as the encoder and initialize the weights in the NT-softmax layer with pre-computed concept embeddings from SAPBERT.Our proposed neural model achieves competitive performance on ShARe/CLEF 2013 and establishes a new state-of-the-art on 2019-n2c2-MCN. Yet this model is simpler than most prior work: it requires no complex pipelines, no hand-crafted rules, and no preprocessing, making it simpler to apply in new settings.Analyses of our proposed model show that the NT-softmax is better than the conventional softmax on the MCN task, and both the CUI-less threshold parameter and the initialization of the weight vectors in the NT-softmax layer contribute to the improvements.We propose a simple neural model for clinical MCN, an one-step approach with simpler inference and more effective performance than prior work. Our analyses demonstrate future work on MCN may require more effort on unseen concepts.Copyright © 2022. Published by Elsevier Inc.

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