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A Ranking Recommendation Algorithm Based on Dynamic User Preference.






In recent years, hybrid recommendation techniques based on feature fusion have gained extensive attention in the field of list ranking. Most of them fuse linear and nonlinear models to simultaneously learn the linear and nonlinear features of entities and jointly fit user-item interactions. These methods are based on implicit feedback, which can reduce the difficulty of data collection and the time of data preprocessing, but will lead to the lack of entity interaction depth information due to the lack of user satisfaction. This is equivalent to artificially reducing the entity interaction features, limiting the overall performance of the model. To address this problem, we propose a two-stage recommendation model named A-DNR, short for Attention-based Deep Neural Ranking. In the first stage, user short-term preferences are modeled through an attention mechanism network. Then the user short-term preferences and user long-term preferences are fused into dynamic user preferences. In the second stage, the high-order and low-order feature interactions are modeled by a matrix factorization (MF) model and a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) model, respectively. Then, the features are fused through a fully connected layer, and the vectors are mapped to scores. Finally, a ranking list is output through the scores. Experiments on three real-world datasets (Movielens100K, Movielens1M and Yahoo Movies) show that our proposed model achieves significant improvements compared to existing methods.

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