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A precise model for skin cancer diagnosis using hybrid U-Net and improved MobileNet-V3 with hyperparameters optimization.






Skin cancer is a frequently occurring and possibly deadly disease that necessitates prompt and precise diagnosis in order to ensure efficacious treatment. This paper introduces an innovative approach for accurately identifying skin cancer by utilizing Convolution Neural Network architecture and optimizing hyperparameters. The proposed approach aims to increase the precision and efficacy of skin cancer recognition and consequently enhance patients’ experiences. This investigation aims to tackle various significant challenges in skin cancer recognition, encompassing feature extraction, model architecture design, and optimizing hyperparameters. The proposed model utilizes advanced deep-learning methodologies to extract complex features and patterns from skin cancer images. We enhance the learning procedure of deep learning by integrating Standard U-Net and Improved MobileNet-V3 with optimization techniques, allowing the model to differentiate malignant and benign skin cancers. Also substituted the crossed-entropy loss function of the Mobilenet-v3 mathematical framework with a bias loss function to enhance the accuracy. The model’s squeeze and excitation component was replaced with the practical channel attention component to achieve parameter reduction. Integrating cross-layer connections among Mobile modules has been proposed to leverage synthetic features effectively. The dilated convolutions were incorporated into the model to enhance the receptive field. The optimization of hyperparameters is of utmost importance in improving the efficiency of deep learning models. To fine-tune the model’s hyperparameter, we employ sophisticated optimization methods such as the Bayesian optimization method using pre-trained CNN architecture MobileNet-V3. The proposed model is compared with existing models, i.e., MobileNet, VGG-16, MobileNet-V2, Resnet-152v2 and VGG-19 on the “HAM-10000 Melanoma Skin Cancer dataset”. The empirical findings illustrate that the proposed optimized hybrid MobileNet-V3 model outperforms existing skin cancer detection and segmentation techniques based on high precision of 97.84%, sensitivity of 96.35%, accuracy of 98.86% and specificity of 97.32%. The enhanced performance of this research resulted in timelier and more precise diagnoses, potentially contributing to life-saving outcomes and mitigating healthcare expenditures.© 2024. The Author(s).

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