
A gray box framework that optimizes a white box logical model using a black box optimizer for simulating cellular responses to perturbations.






Predicting cellular responses to perturbations requires interpretable insights into molecular regulatory dynamics to perform reliable cell fate control, despite the confounding non-linearity of the underlying interactions. There is a growing interest in developing machine learning-based perturbation response prediction models to handle the non-linearity of perturbation data, but their interpretation in terms of molecular regulatory dynamics remains a challenge. Alternatively, for meaningful biological interpretation, logical network models such as Boolean networks are widely used in systems biology to represent intracellular molecular regulation. However, determining the appropriate regulatory logic of large-scale networks remains an obstacle due to the high-dimensional and discontinuous search space. To tackle these challenges, we present a scalable derivative-free optimizer trained by meta-reinforcement learning for Boolean network models. The logical network model optimized by the trained optimizer successfully predicts anti-cancer drug responses of cancer cell lines, while simultaneously providing insight into their underlying molecular regulatory mechanisms.Copyright © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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