A dual meta-learning framework based on idle data for enhancing segmentation of pancreatic cancer.






Automated segmentation of pancreatic cancer is vital for clinical diagnosis and treatment. However, the small size and inconspicuous boundaries limit the segmentation performance, which is further exacerbated for deep learning techniques with the few training samples due to the high threshold of image acquisition and annotation. To alleviate this issue caused by the small-scale dataset, we collect idle multi-parametric MRIs of pancreatic cancer from different studies to construct a relatively large dataset for enhancing the CT pancreatic cancer segmentation. Therefore, we propose a deep learning segmentation model with the dual meta-learning framework for pancreatic cancer. It can integrate the common knowledge of tumors obtained from idle MRIs and salient knowledge from CT images, making high-level features more discriminative. Specifically, the random intermediate modalities between MRIs and CT are first generated to smoothly fill in the gaps in visual appearance and provide rich intermediate representations for ensuing meta-learning scheme. Subsequently, we employ intermediate modalities-based model-agnostic meta-learning to capture and transfer commonalities. At last, a meta-optimizer is utilized to adaptively learn the salient features within CT data, thus alleviating the interference due to internal differences. Comprehensive experimental results demonstrated our method achieved the promising segmentation performance, with a max Dice score of 64.94% on our private dataset, and outperformed state-of-the-art methods on a public pancreatic cancer CT dataset. The proposed method is an effective pancreatic cancer segmentation framework, which can be easily integrated into other segmentation networks and thus promises to be a potential paradigm for alleviating data scarcity challenges using idle data.Copyright © 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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