
A dataset of the 2023 presidential election in Nigeria.






Nigeria operates under a multi-party system with more than 18 registered political parties. Since the return to democratic rule in 1999, the political scene has been predominantly dominated by two major parties: the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and the All Progressive Congress (APC). Recently, however, emerging parties like The Labour Party (LP) and the New Nigerian People’s Party (NNPP) have started gaining traction. Social media has become a pivotal part of modern society. Twitter (now known as X) has emerged as a significant medium for news dissemination, public opinions expression, and emotional responses on various topics. Its ability to allow real-time sharing of views and experiences on current affairs and personal matters has made it a powerful tool in shaping and reflecting public sentiment. The use of Twitter in Nigeria exemplifies its role as a versatile medium for expressing thoughts and feelings, thereby generating a substantial amount of data for sentiment analysis. Deep Learning is a branch of Artificial intelligence that uses multiple layer techniques to extract features from data. It has the capacity to adequately recognize pattern from data to produce insights. There is a dynamic interplay among political developments, social media use, and sentiment analysis using deep learning. This interplay highlights the evolving nature of public discourse and opinion formation in Nigeria. People’s opinions about the Nigeria’s 2023 Presidential Election were obtained from Twitter using the Twitter API and Python. The dataset contains 364,867 tweets that can be used in predicting the outcome of future elections in Nigeria and for comparing the performances of different models and techniques of sentiment analysis. Sentiment analysis; Deep learning; Python; Twitter.© 2024 The Authors.

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