
A continuation method for image registration based on dynamic adaptive kernel.






Image registration is a fundamental problem in computer vision and robotics. Recently, learning-based image registration methods have made great progress. However, these methods are sensitive to abnormal transformation and have insufficient robustness, which leads to more mismatched points in the actual environment. In this paper, we propose a new registration framework based on ensemble learning and dynamic adaptive kernel. Specifically, we first use a dynamic adaptive kernel to extract deep features at the coarse level to guide fine-level registration. Then we added an adaptive feature pyramid network based on the integrated learning principle to realize the fine-level feature extraction. Through different scale, receptive fields, not only the local geometric information of each point is considered, but also its low texture information at the pixel level is considered. According to the actual registration environment, fine features are adaptively obtained to reduce the sensitivity of the model to abnormal transformation. We use the global receptive field provided in the transformer to obtain feature descriptors based on these two levels. In addition, we use the cosine loss directly defined on the corresponding relationship to train the network and balance the samples, to achieve feature point registration based on the corresponding relationship. Extensive experiments on object-level and scene-level datasets show that the proposed method outperforms existing state-of-the-art techniques by a large margin. More critically, it has the best generalization ability in unknown scenes with different sensor modes.Copyright © 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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